Slow Cooked Beef and Vegetable Stew
Prepare your ingredients by chopping vegetables and meat before starting to cook. Make sure to have your slow cooker ready!
Brown the Beef
In a pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced beef and brown all sides for about 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Prepare the Vegetables
In the same pan, add chopped onion and minced garlic. Sauté until translucent. Then add chopped carrot, potato, and celeriac and cook for another 5 minutes.
Combine Ingredients in the Slow Cooker
Transfer the browned beef and sautéed vegetables to the slow cooker. Pour in vegetable broth, add a bay leaf, and stir everything to combine.
Slow Cook the Stew
Set the slow cooker on low and cook for 6-8 hours until the meat is tender and flavors meld together.
Serve the stew hot, garnished with fresh parsley if desired. It pairs well with crusty bread. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 3 days or freeze for longer preservation.
Харчові факти
Жирів2гр | 3.0% |
Холестерину11мг | |
Sodium133мг | 6.0% |
Вуглеводів7гр | 2.0% |
Клітковини1гр | 3.0% |
Білків7гр | |
Вітаміну A133мкг | 17.0% |
Вітаміну C5мг | 6.0% |
Кальцію10мг | 1.0% |
Магнію8мг | 2.0% |
Калію133мг | 3.0% |
Добова норма (ДН) вказує, скільки поживної речовини у порції їжі сприяє щоденному раціону. 2000 калорій на день використовується для загальних рекомендацій щодо харчування.