Creamy Boiled Chicken Pasta
Prepare your ingredients in advance. Make sure to have a pot for boiling and a pan for making the sauce.
Cook the Chicken
In a pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add minced garlic and sauté until fragrant. Add boneless chicken breast, season with salt and pepper, and cook for about 6-8 minutes on each side until fully cooked. Remove from heat and let it rest.
Boil the Pasta
In the same pot, bring water to a boil and add a pinch of salt. Add pasta and cook according to package instructions until al dente. Drain the pasta and set aside.
Make the Creamy Sauce
In a pan, add heavy cream and bring it to a gentle simmer. Stir in grated Parmesan cheese until melted and smooth. Add black pepper and mix well. Incorporate the cooked chicken, then add the pasta, tossing to combine.
Serve the creamy chicken pasta hot, garnished with extra Parmesan cheese and black pepper. It pairs well with a side salad. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.
Харчові факти
Жирів7гр | 11.0% |
Насичені жирів2гр | 9.0% |
Холестерину45мг | |
Sodium225мг | 10.0% |
Вуглеводів35гр | 12.0% |
Клітковини1гр | 3.0% |
Загалом цукру2гр | |
Білків17гр | |
Вітаміну A150мкг | 19.0% |
Вітаміну C5мг | 6.0% |
Кальцію25мг | 3.0% |
Заліза1мг | 8.0% |
Калію300мг | 6.0% |
Добова норма (ДН) вказує, скільки поживної речовини у порції їжі сприяє щоденному раціону. 2000 калорій на день використовується для загальних рекомендацій щодо харчування.