Creamy Spinach and Cheese Omelette
Gather all ingredients and tools. It's best to have everything ready before you start cooking for a smoother process!
Prepare the Spinach
In a pan, sauté the spinach with salt and pepper until wilted. This should take about 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Cook the Omelette
In a bowl, whisk the eggs until well blended. Pour into the skillet over medium heat. Once the edges start to set, spread the sautéed spinach over half of the omelette. Add cream cheese and cheddar cheese on top of the spinach. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until the cheese melts and the omelette is fully set.
Serve your omelette hot, optionally garnished with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of extra cheese. It pairs beautifully with toasted bread or a simple salad. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.
Харчові факти
Жирів12гр | 18.0% |
Насичені жирів5гр | 23.0% |
Холестерину180мг | |
Sodium400мг | 17.0% |
Вуглеводів3гр | 1.0% |
Клітковини1гр | 3.0% |
Білків12гр | |
Вітаміну A450мкг | 56.0% |
Вітаміну C5мг | 6.0% |
Кальцію150мг | 15.0% |
Заліза1мг | 8.0% |
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