Baked Spiced Chickpeas with Cauliflower
Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Rinse and drain the chickpeas and prepare the cauliflower by cutting it into florets.
Prepare Ingredients
Begin by rinsing and draining 100g of chickpeas. Cut 150g of cauliflower into small florets. Mince 5g of garlic. Set these aside.
Season and Combine
In a bowl, mix the chickpeas and cauliflower with 15g of olive oil, 5g of minced garlic, and the spices: 1g of cinnamon, 2g of paprika, 2g of cumin, 1g of salt, and 1g of pepper. Toss everything until well coated.
Spread the seasoned mixture on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the cauliflower is golden brown and the chickpeas are crispy.
Serve warm as a healthy snack or side dish. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Garnish with fresh parsley or a squeeze of lemon for extra flavor.
Харчові факти
Жирів3гр | 5.0% |
Sodium150мг | 7.0% |
Вуглеводів15гр | 5.0% |
Клітковини3гр | 9.0% |
Загалом цукру1гр | |
Білків5гр | |
Вітаміну A27мкг | 3.0% |
Вітаміну C18мг | 21.0% |
Кальцію20мг | 2.0% |
Заліза1мг | 8.0% |
Магнію20мг | 5.0% |
Калію225мг | 5.0% |
Добова норма (ДН) вказує, скільки поживної речовини у порції їжі сприяє щоденному раціону. 2000 калорій на день використовується для загальних рекомендацій щодо харчування.